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Bike Cleaners

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 1:10 pm
by Baza
After letting my bike get far to manky this month, I decided to step away from the bucket of soapy water and buy myself some proper bike cleaning stuff. So at the weekend I nipped round to halfrauds (Its just round the corner from me) and bought myself a bottle of Castrol Greentec bike cleaner. Having never used a spray on wash off cleaner before I was well impressed with the results. The toothbrush only came out a few times, even with my garden hose which only produces a trickle of water. I can imagine now that it’s spotless all it will take is a quick spray and hose off every other ride to keep it gleaming.

Every now and again I get emails from busters and other stores offering 10 litres for £20 plus p&p. (Fuchs off maybe) I know there is Muc off and Mutol products. How do these compare? Anyone use them?

It would be good to be able to get the bulk buy deal, but I would hate to be disappointed compared to the greentec cleaner and be stuck with two big containers of cleaner that I don’t like.

I don’t think I will ever go back to the sponge and bucket now.

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 2:39 pm
by metallninja
I found Muc Off to be a little better than Castrol, lasted longer too.

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 3:11 pm
by bubbaf
Also more likely to get a group buy discount on muck-off than Castrol Greentec as thats part of BP lubes range and would need massive volumes to get any discount from them - Halfords do thats why you can get Castrol products cheaper there than in a Dealer.

no prizes for guessing which lubes company i work for

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:25 pm
by Baza
I wasn't talking about a 'group buy' a bulk buy for myself would be 10l. Although if anyone wants to I'm in!

Anyway I found the place thats been emailing me offers I think its part of busters/m&p. They have lots of muc off & tech-7 stuff on BOGOF. 2l of muc off for £8 + 5p&p or 10l for 22.50 + 5p&p =£2.75 a litre. Sounds like a deal to me. I might just get it and if I dont like it a suppose I could just sell it on.


Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:39 pm
by Grant
I've not tried the Castrol stuff but I used to use Muc-Off.

I now use Meguiars Hyperwash (snow foam). Spray on the thick soapy suds, leave for 5 minutes and jet wash off.

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:07 pm
by Swampy
Muc-off brushed on, rinsed off, water repellent spray, dry, polish, buff, plexus, buff, WD40 and rag for wheels, auto glym rubber car for the rubbery bits, glass cleaner for the mirrors, cup of tea, job-done!!

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:38 pm
by Speedybug
At least you don't have a chain to do anymore!

I'm tired just thinking about that list - you'll make my bike jealous as it doesn't often get that kind of attention

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:32 pm
by Stew
My bike is pretty well prepped....

It's VERY easy to clean after a run. spray some water and thats pretty much it!

I usually get the Megiars Shampoo Plus on it though and sometimes a wee drop of spray sealant.

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:44 am
by Multistradavarius
Hi Stew,

Just out of (Purv!) interest, whom is the scantly clad lady on your avator?

Looks as though she looks great on a clean bike. Have you got a name please Bud?
She can muc off mine anyday!

Best Regards Stu :freebird :cheers :cheers ;)

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2009 8:04 pm
by bambam10125
halfords doing pretty good deal on Muc-Off at the mo 1 litre of Muc-Off along with a nice small handy tin of chain lube (I can't believe it's not butter!) free all for 7.29 thought it was pretty good deal the stuff is really good at getting into the grime.

Re: Bike Cleaners

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 1:20 am
by Stew
Multistradavarius wrote:Hi Stew,

Just out of (Purv!) interest, whom is the scantly clad lady on your avator?

Looks as though she looks great on a clean bike. Have you got a name please Bud?
She can muc off mine anyday!

Best Regards Stu :freebird :cheers :cheers ;)

Nae idea! A random chic I discovered while doing a bit of google image searching....

I'll send you the site!